W3.CSS Template

Quote for today

"Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things."
- Henry Ward Beecher -


Hi. Welcome to my website. This websites named muhaiminkhamsan.com is my first ever publish websites. As of now, this websites is a generic websites and the main purpose I build this websites is to build my own personal portfolio as a programmer. In the meantime, this websites can also be a blogging platform for me, to share with you all, some of my knowledge, experience, thought, or anything that might be useful for the others. So, please enjoy my websites and appreciate if you all can give me some feedback through my email (muhaiminkhamsan@gmail.com) in order for me to enhance this websites from time to time. Thank you.

My Name : Muhammad Muhaimin bin Khamsan

Hi, I am the creator of this websites. My name is Muhammad Muhaimin bin Khamsan. A 27 years old guy, a Malaysian citizen and a graduate of UiTM Shah Alam, Major in Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons.) Intelligent System Engineering, who's currently working as a Backend C# Programmer at Egroup Tech Sdn Bhd

For any enquiry, you can contact me through my email (muhaiminkhamsan@gmail.com).

Currency Exchange
(Source : https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/myr)

Malaysia Ringgit (MYR) equal to :
US Dollar (USD)
Euro (EUR)
British Pound Sterling (GBP)
Singapore Dollar (SGD)
(Last currency exchange updated : Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:02:31 +0000)